Home Décor Trends For 2013
According to the handful of blog posts and articles I've read on home décor trends for 2013, it seems this year’s trends cross all style boundaries.
Perhaps more and more people are embracing the ‘decorate the way you love’ philosophy. So many design elements and styles have been named, appealing to so many personal preferences, that this year’s limitation may be only your imagination (and, perhaps your bank account). Kuddo’s to Style at Home & Christine from Bijou & Boheme for calling it out in the January issue!
Among the many predications for home décor trends for 2013; colour, pattern, texture and all things circular seem to be the most popular call outs. Would you agree?
Here's a little round up for you...
And, just for good measure… here are few more links for design trends, kitchen trends, paint trends and bathroom trends all via Style at Home.
What home décor trends are you loving and can't get enough of as we head into 2013? Do tell.