Bake N Blog: Holiday Edition

Earlier this month Kelly from Jax Does Design revealed she’s hosting a Bake n Blog: Holiday Edition and since I missed out on the first Bake n Blog hosted by Staci’s from Staci Edwards blog, I was excited to join in for this round.

Thank goodness ‘the’ day has come to reveal my cupcake because I've been thinking, making and eating way too many cupcakes lately!

Coffee Chocolate Cupcake

Bloggers were required to choose a cupcake from Ming Makes Cupcakes. I chose cupcake #24, Coffee Chocolate Cupcakes with Baileys Irish Cream Frosting, what’s not to love? Although I have to admit cupcake #22, Sour Cream Chocolate Cupcakes with Nutella Frosting had me too.cupcake 24

These cupcakes were so easy to make… the only thing I had to go out for was the Buttermilk.

bake n blog

While I was whipping up the frosting my little man Evan decided he was interested in what I was doing… and wouldn’t stop calling and pointing so finally I let him in on the action. Needless to say, from his delighted facial expression, he liked it! (don’t worry he only had a little taste)

Yum O

They were so delish – I only had two promise! I’ll be making another big batch of these lovelies for a Christmas get-together we’re heading to this weekend. And, maybe next on my list, cupcake #22!

PS… Have you entered my Holiday Card giveaway yet? The deadline is tonight midnight so enter for your chance to win a set of 5 Holiday Cards from Fresh Crop, then, check back tomorrow for the winner.


Staci Edwards said…
Yum - they look so delish!
Assuming being the wonderful friend that you are you saved me one, right? ;)
Donna Ragona said…
They look yummy...I'm expecting an invitation for a coffee sometime soon :)
Unknown said…
Your little guy is adorable and the cupcakes look soooo yummy- nice work!
K&B by the Sea said…
Bailey's Irish Cream makes EVERYTHING delicious! I can just imagine how good these cupcakes taste... how did you manage to stop at just two?!

Love your "in progress" shots, and Evan looks like he enjoyed his little taste test! :-)

Thanks so much for being part of Bake-N-Blog :-) Enjoy your cupcakes!

Balancing Lisa said…
mmmm...these sound amazing!!
these sound so good! what there not to like, bailey's chocolate and coffee.
These looks so goood!! This bake-n-bloggin' is making me hungry!!
designchic said…
This makes me so hungry...yum!!
I baked one of Ming's cupcake recipes for another blogging series last summer... that girl can do no wrong! Yours turned out fabulous too.

Anonymous said…
oh my. chocolate AND baileys? Perfect combination I would say! I would almost be afraid to make them though because I'm sure I wouldn't be able to stop eating them until they were completely gone. Thanks for sharing the recipe!
What I wouldn't do for one of these right now!
Tara said…
wow...these look divine!

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